JoIn the Chrysler Restorers Club
If you are looking to include a car on the Club Permit Scheme you must be a financial member so please submit payments along with a Club Membership Application first.
You will be notified of your membership number and then can submit a request for support of a Club Permit Scheme application to VicRoads.
Please allow up to 30 days processing time for membership applications before obtaining RWCs to support a CPS application, in order to avoid the RWC expiring prematurely.
New Members Application Forms
Submit a Membership Application ONLINE
Note: This is the preferred method of applying for new membership and requires an email address for communications
Alternatively, download a Chrysler Restorers Club of Australia (Vic) Inc membership form, in PDF format.
Please allow up to 30 days processing time for membership applications before obtaining RWCs to support a CPS application, in order to avoid the RWC expiring prematurely.
Joining the Chrysler Restorers Club of Australia (Vic) Inc entitles you to our Newsletter the "Chryco Reporter" which, depending on your membership type, will be mailed to you every month (Feb - Dec), or may be downloaded using a password emailed to your nominated email address.
You will also be able to come to our many events and Club Runs which occur through out the year.
Members (ie AFTER confirmation of their membership) may also be able to include their vehicles on the Vicroads Club Permit Scheme which entitles an otherwise unregistered vehicle to be driven on the road with a limited use permit. See the Vic Roads or AOMC site for more details.
Please allow up to 30 days processing time for membership applications before obtaining RWCs to support a CPS application, in order to avoid the RWC expiring prematurely.
Please note that under the Club Permit Scheme (CPS) that now applies in Victoria, members may choose to include their cars under the Vicroads 45 or 90 day logbook system. Any financial Club members may do this for qualifying vehicles, and the Club will fulfill its obligations that apply under the scheme, to ensure the CPS operates effectively. The Club has chosen the option that requires all new permit applications to be accompanied by a valid Vicroads approved Roadworthy Certificate (RWC), rather than holding inspections by a Club Scrutineer.
You will also be required to complete a Club CPS Declaration form for each vehicle, for every application and renewal, to confirm you understand your your obligations to the Club as a participant in the CPS.
Note: The Club offers two (2) types of membership with different fees applied.
Membership with an ONLINE magazine downloaded each month from the Club website using a password sent by email each month (Feb-Dec)
Membership with a PRINTED magazine posted each month (Feb - Dec) and also includes the option of downloading the magazine if desired
In both cases the magazine is the same although the printed magazine is generally B&W, while the online magazine is in full colour
Please indicate clearly which membership type is required.
If choosing the ONLINE magazine only, then
be sure to send us your email address,
make sure it remains functional for the whole membership period , or advise us of any changes