About US
The Chrysler Restorers club was started after a meeting held on Saturday 22nd of November 1975. This meeting was in response to an advertisement placed by the club's first president, Mr Ron Coombes (dec).
Our monthly meetings are held on the third Friday of each month at the Vintage Drivers Club (VDC) Clubrooms, Unit 8 / 41-49 Norcal Rd Nunawading, 3131. Melway Ref 48 G11 or refer to the map below. Meetings start at 8 o'clock.
The Club is an association incorporated in Victoria and abides by the following Club Rules and Bylaws:
It is not necessary to own a Chrysler product to be a member of the Chrysler Restorers Club.
Social Runs
Social club runs are held each month to places of interest around Melbourne or within a day's easy driving of Melbourne. These are usually family orientated runs.
Annual Tour
An Annual Tour is held on the long weekend in March. These tours are too far for a day's drive and are varied each year to all places around Victoria. They provide an opportunity for members to expand their friendships and to meet some of our many country members.
Monthly Magazine
The club publishes a monthly magazine called the CHRYCO REPORTER. This magazine has details of club activities, stories and technical information on Chrysler products, plus a Classified Sections with Cars and Parts for Sale or Wanted. The club has tools for loan and a comprehensive Library.