Hot Cross Bun Run
This event is on Good Friday 18th April at Braeside Park,
Lower Dandenong Rd, Braeside VIC 3195
It is a chance to join some other car clubs by displaying your car while enjoying a Hot Cross Bun with donations going to the Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Free Hot Cross Buns, tea and coffee will be provided,
along with scintillating conversation.
Time. 10.00am till 1:30pm
Rosella Oval / Picnic Area – Braeside Park
Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside. Melway Map: 88 E8
Enter Braeside Park from Lower Dandenong Road. Rosella Oval is the last oval on the left-hand side before the exit back onto Lower Dandenong Road.
Please note this is a ONE-WAY circuit.
Housekeeping: No animals are allowed in the park. No Alcohol is permitted. Please take your litter home with you. Do not feed or handle the wildlife. Drive very careful on the oval.
Let us know by registering below if you are interested in coming
RESPONSES NEEDED BY 25th March 2025 to help with catering